Meet Jesus Today

The Ambassador

Jesus is God's Representative to Humanity.

Story based on Luke 2:1-20.

Excitement was in the air! Something extra special was about to happen. How intently angels watched those two dusty travelers. He was only a Galilean carpenter, and she was expecting a baby very soon. It would have helped to delay the trip for a while, but Caesar's order did not allow that. Now this young couple were among those on the road headed south toward Judea. What was special about this poor couple? The angels who were watching all knew that the baby about to be born was their Commander, the Son of God.

As evening came on, they finally caught sight of their destination, Bethlehem. The long journey was over at last! Joseph went first to one inn, then another, and yet another, but it was no use. Each innkeeper had the same reply. The last room had already been taken.

As Joseph and Mary turned from the last inn, they wondered where they might go. Near the edge of town they saw an animal shelter. It was hardly a desirable place to sleep, much less for giving birth to a little baby, but they had no choice. Entering the stable, they looked around for clean straw for a makeshift bed. As Joseph was doing his best to make Mary comfortable, the big moment drew near. Jesus was about to be born.

On the nearby hills, a handful of shepherds were tending sheep through the night. They talked as they passed the long hours together. The ancient prophecies of scripture foretold that the Messiah would come. The time had nearly arrived for these prophecies to be fulfilled. Perhaps some of them would even live to see the Messiah personally.

Suddenly a bright light shattered the gloom of midnight. The alarmed shepherds wondered what could be happening. Then, right in front of them stood a shining angel.

"Do not be afraid," said the angel. "I came to bring you good news. You will be happy to know that tonight in Bethlehem a Savior has been born. He is Christ, the Lord. You will find Him wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger."

Suddenly the whole hillside became as bright as day. More angels than they could imagine were there, singing a joyful song of praise. "Glory to God in the highest! Peace to the earth! Goodwill to all men!" How they sang! For a long time they had waited to make this announcement and sing this song of praise. Although only a few shepherds were there to listen, they sang their best. God's Son had been born as a baby. Their beloved Leader had come to earth to offer hope to humanity.

As the song ended, darkness settled over the hillside again. The shepherds hurried off to find the Christ-child. Bethlehem was not far away, and they were soon there. Entering the stable, they found Joseph, Mary, and a new baby--with a feeding trough for a bassinet. In this humble place, they knew they had found the Messiah. Bowing low, they worshiped the newborn King. Then as they left, they joyfully told the news to everyone they met. Jesus was born!

Just think for a moment of what this meant. Jesus left the comforts of heaven, and became a man. His birthplace was shabby. The only ones who recognized Him were the simple shepherds from the nearby hills. Such was the welcome given to God's Son when He began His life here on earth. Why did He come?

The answer is in Matthew 1:23. Immanuel is the name given to Jesus here. It means, "God with us." Jesus came to be with us. He wanted us to know what God is like. He was God's Ambassador to us. People saw Him at play as a child. They knew of His work as a carpenter. People listened as He taught about God's kingdom of love. They heard as He spoke kind and comforting words. Many felt His loving touch as He healed their diseases.

Jesus was known for His kind ways. Learning about Him gives a picture of what God is like. Jesus is the same in character as His Father. By His life, He showed people what God is like. When His disciples wanted to know what the Father in Heaven was like, Jesus could say, "If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father."

God loves us dearly and wants us to know it. Jesus showed it by what He did. He showed that God's love has no limits. It extends to every person, even if other people may not consider him or her worthy of notice. God tells us He loves us with everlasting love, and Jesus showed by His life just what that means.

Jesus called Himself the Good Shepherd. By this, He told of His tender care for those needing His strength and protection. There is not a man or woman on earth who can meet all the challenges life brings. Jesus offers just the help needed to live a successful and happy life. This help is free to anyone who will just realize his need and turn to Jesus.

As the Good Shepherd, Jesus points us to the Shepherd Psalm and the hope of living forever in God's home. Here is what Jesus hoped to gain by coming to earth. He wants us to live with Him. Jesus wants a friendship with us that will last on and on.

Consider the love that led Jesus to offer us salvation at such cost. It means a lot to Him when you choose to accept His offer of salvation. Don't you want to accept this gift from such a Friend?

Thank-you, Jesus, for coming to live on this earth as a man. Thank-you for showing what God is like. I want to live with You forever as You planned for me to.

Review Questions

  1. What was the name of the town where Jesus was born?
  2. How did the shepherds hear about Jesus' birth?
  3. What does the name 'Emmanuel' mean?
  4. Why did God give His Son to save us?
  5. What does Jesus plan for your future?
  6. Do you believe that Jesus is the Son of God?