Meet Jesus Today

The Creator

Jesus is the Creator and Ruler of Nature.

Story based on Mark 4:35-41.

All day long Jesus had been busy teaching beside the lake. What is God like? How should people treat each other? What is God's kingdom like? How can people become part of God's kingdom? Jesus answered these questions and others as He taught of the love of God for people and His plan to save them. As the people listened, the hours passed quickly. Soon it was time to go home for the night. The crowds did not seem to want to go. Jesus was not like any teacher they had ever heard before. He offered them hope for the future. He gave practical solutions to the problems of their everyday lives. Jesus showed how obedience to God is not only a possibility, but also the happiest way to live. The more they listened to Jesus, the more they wanted to stay and hear more.

Pointing out how late it was getting, Jesus urged the people to return home for the night. He asked the disciples to set sail for the other side of the lake. As the little boat glided out across the lake, Jesus lay down to sleep. It had been a long day, and He was tired. There were several other boats along the shore and they were filling with people who wanted to follow Jesus, even across the lake. These people were in for an experience they would never forget.

The wind was blowing and the waves began to get rough, but this did not worry the disciples in the boat. With them were Peter, John, Andrew and James. Each of them had battled many a storm on this lake. Riding out a storm was just another part of life as a fisherman. Together, they could handle storms that would terrify most people. The people following in the other boats also felt the wind and the waves. As the storm worsened, even the fearless crew of the ship where Jesus was sleeping began to recognize that they were in serious danger. They soon realized that all their efforts would not guarantee their survival. Panic seized the other disciples as they heard even the experienced fishermen cry out in terror.

Then they remembered Jesus. Where was He? Surely He could not be sleeping in such a tempest. Yet, as the lightning flashed, they saw Him. He was still lying there in the back of the boat, fast asleep. Awakening Him, the disciples cried out, "Lord! Save us! We're all going to drown!"

Waking, Jesus stood up in the boat. With authority He rebuked the storm, saying, "Peace! Be still!" Immediately the wind ceased and the waves became calm. Then to His disciples, Jesus spoke tenderly. "How little faith you have! You did not need to be so afraid. Why were you afraid while I was right here with you?"

"Who is this," they exclaimed in amazement, "that even the wind and sea obey Him?" Jesus was far greater than they had realized. He was the Master of even the forces of nature.

Imagine what it must have been like to be there to watch Jesus calming the storm. To watch as the mighty forces of nature meekly submitted to His command must have been wonderful. Repeatedly, giants of men and machinery have been far outdone by the forces of nature. Fighting against storms, many strong and brave men have been unable to compete. What awe must have filled those who were looking on as they asked, "Who is this, that even the wind and the sea obey?"

Again and again, Jesus gave evidence that He was the Master of all nature. It was as if all creation, even the inanimate forces of nature, recognized Him as the Ruler. Once Jesus was by the sea and told Peter to let down the net to catch fish. Logic and experience would have told any fisherman that there was no chance of a catch worth mentioning. Yet, at Jesus' command, the net was filled with fish until it could hold no more. Who was Jesus really? Why did He have such power over nature? Consider what the Bible tells about the creation of the world. The very first words in the Bible tell that God created the earth and sky. Because God is the Creator of all nature, He has authority and power over it.

David wrote that the heavens were made by the word of the Lord. If there is such power in God's word to cause the creation of the universe, there is certainly the power necessary to control some unruly waves. Such power, and the very fact of creation itself are enough to boggle our minds. To try to prove the origin of the world apart from God is even more difficult. To do so, it is necessary to ignore clear signs in nature that there must have been a Master Designer.

From the New Testament, we learn more about the prominent role that Jesus had in the work of creation. Jesus is identified as the 'Word' who has always been, who made everything. The earth and sky were made by Jesus personally.

Understanding that Jesus is the Creator of all, it follows that He would have such power over the forces of nature. It is no wonder that He could show time and time again that He was the Ruler of Nature.

Jesus is our Creator, too. This fact alone means that He deserves all the praise we can give Him. This is the One who wants a personal relationship with you and me. What a privilege it is that He wants for you and me to be close friends of His!

Thank you, Jesus, for the beauty of nature You created for us to enjoy. Thank you for being interested in me. I want to honor You as my Creator and appreciate You as my Friend.

Review Questions

  1. What suggests that that storm was really serious?
  2. What did Jesus do to calm the storm?
  3. Why does Jesus have authority over nature?
  4. What other time did Jesus show His power over nature?
  5. On what basis does Jesus deserve our worship?
  6. Do you recognize Jesus as YOUR Creator?