Meet Jesus Today

The Friend

Jesus Knows and Loves You Personally.

Story based on Luke 19:1-10.

If you set your mind to it, you can do it. Zacchaeus had proven this to be true. He had set his mind to gain wealth and power. Now he had the nicest house in town. He had the money to buy anything he wanted. He had the respect of the other people of the town, and Roman soldiers to deal with any who might defy him. Zacchaeus was a tax collector and he was a cheater. Often he would demand more than the required tax from the people. This was how he had become so wealthy. Surely he was too selfish and evil for God to accept or forgive. The people of Jericho thought so and Zacchaeus was not sure they were wrong.

The new teacher from Nazareth was different. Jesus actually accepted and forgave sinners, even tax collectors. While passing the tollbooth in Capernaum, Jesus had invited the tax collector there to follow Him. Now the former tax collector had become one of Jesus' disciples.

Word had come that Jesus would soon visit. Zacchaeus wanted to see Jesus for himself, but there were problems. People considered him unworthy of Jesus' notice, and were not likely to let him close to Jesus. Then, too, he was shorter than most people were and it was always difficult for him to see in a crowd. There were always large crowds of people around Jesus.

As he thought over his problem, Zacchaeus remembered a tree that grew right beside the main street. He had often climbed that tree as a boy, but that was many years ago. He thought of the bird's eye view he could have of all that went on below. Then he thought of the ridicule he would face if anybody noticed him in the tree. Was it really worth the risk? He decided it was.

As news came to him that Jesus was almost to Jericho, Zacchaeus hurried to the tree and climbed it. He seated himself to have a good view of the people passing by, and catch a glimpse of Jesus. He could see the people coming down the road toward him. Among them was Jesus. Zacchaeus had seen Him. His errand was a success. Soon the crowd would move on. Then he could slip away from the tree without anyone noticing.

Suddenly, Jesus stopped and looked up, right at Zacchaeus. The crowds also looked up and saw him. What embarrassment! The people of Jericho hated him already. After they had seen him climbing a tree like a little child, he would never hear the end of it. But Jesus was speaking to him.

"Zacchaeus!" Jesus knew his name. "Hurry up and come down. I want to visit your house today." Zacchaeus could hardly believe his ears. In an instant, he was out of the tree. Jesus cared about him! This was far better than he had dared to hope.

"Yes, Lord, please do come! You are welcome." Zacchaeus was not sure what to say, but he was not ready to lose the chance to have Jesus as a guest in his home. Then people began to remind Jesus how bad Zacchaeus was. Surely Jesus did not want to associate with such an evil person. Jesus was not surprised. He had known it all along, and had still chosen to come to Zacchaeus' house.

How much is a real friend worth? Perhaps it depends on what it means to be a friend. From the Bible, we learn that a friend loves always. A real friend is like a brother, who is there to lend a hand when trouble comes. A friend is someone you can count on in hard times, as well as in times of prosperity.

The Bible tells us that there is a Friend so close that even a brother is not as faithful. As we learn of Jesus, we find that He is just such a Friend. Even in situations when we could not even count on a dear friend or brother for help, Jesus is there and cares.

The story showed that Jesus was a friend to Zacchaeus, a man who was despised by his fellow citizens. Jesus was a friend although He knew all about the dishonest things that Zacchaeus had done. Jesus did not excuse Zacchaeus for his cheating, but He offered hope and an opportunity to start over.

To describe how much God cares about us, the sparrows were pointed out. They are perhaps the least significant of the birds, yet God notices when even one of them is hurt. God cares about the little sparrows, and wants us to know that we are more valuable to Him than many sparrows.

Most of us have secrets. There are things about ourselves that we really hope even our closest friends never find out. How many of your friends would respect and like you if they knew everything about you? God knows everything about us, even down to the number of hairs on our heads. He still loves us dearly. We are valuable to Him.

Just as He was a friend to Zacchaeus, Jesus will be a friend to us. His purpose in coming to earth was to offer people, including you and me, life more abundant. Not only does He offer us life that has no end, but also Jesus offers friendship with Himself and a happier life. He offers hope for the future and a purpose for living.

It is easy to see that Jesus extends love to many people, but how about you personally? You might be inclined to think, "There is nothing special about me. I have too many bad habits." This may be true, but Jesus loves you anyway. He knows all about you and still wants to be your best friend. He promises that if you will come to Him, He will never turn you away.

Put yourself in Zacchaeus' place when Jesus called him to come down from the tree. Would you turn down such a friend? Right now, Jesus invites you to a special friendship with Him. He is like a friend, knocking at our door. You and I have the privilege of answering Jesus' invitation. We can say, "Please come into my life and be my Friend."

Thank you, Jesus, for showing what a real friend is like. Thank you for choosing to be my friend. I want to be your friend too.

Review Questions

  1. Why did the people of Jericho hate Zacchaeus?
  2. What did Jesus say to Zacchaeus when he was up in the tree?
  3. When does a true friend show love?
  4. How well does Jesus know us individually?
  5. How does Jesus describe Himself that shows He wants our friendship?
  6. Do you want Jesus to be a Friend of YOURS?