Meet Jesus Today

The Pardoner

Jesus Will Forgive Your Sins and Accept You.

Story based on Luke 7:36-50.

Jesus really thought she was important. She knew that her life was sinful. Yet as she listened to what Jesus said, she knew there was hope for her. He knew all about her sins, and offered her forgiveness and acceptance. He gave her a chance to start all over again.

Now she wanted a way to show how much she appreciated what He had done for her. One day she discovered the gift that seemed just right. A merchant from far away had a beautiful alabaster box filled with most fragrant perfume. With this, she could slip up close to Jesus at just the right moment, give her gift to Him, and slip away unnoticed. Soon after she had left, the wonderful aroma would begin to drift about. People would notice it. They would realize that Jesus had done something wonderful, and that somebody loved Him very much. It was very expensive, but no other gift seemed quite sufficient.

Buying the perfume, she began to wait and watch for just the right time to give it to Jesus. She did not have long to wait. Simon, a Pharisee who lived nearby, was holding a feast. Jesus was the guest of honor. Simon was a leader in the community, and would invite all of the most important people in the area. It would be the perfect time to present her gift to Jesus.

The big day finally came, and Mary made her way to Simon's house. Many people were there, and she could slip over to Jesus without anyone noticing her. As she paused at His feet, Jesus noticed her. He saw what she had brought, and His smile told her that He appreciated her gift. Opening the alabaster box, she poured the sweet smelling oil on the feet of Jesus. As she began wiping His feet with her long hair, she realized she would not be able to slip away unnoticed. Already the fragrance of the perfume was wafting through the entire house. People were noticing the aroma. She felt the eyes of all the guests focused upon her. She heard some of them muttering under their breath, and knew what they must be saying. If Jesus really were the Messiah, why would He let Himself be touched by such a sinful woman? Mary had intended this as a moment of honor for Jesus. Now it seemed only humiliation for her and an uncomfortable situation for Jesus.

Weeping, Mary sat there at Jesus' feet, not knowing just what to do next. Then she heard Him speak. He was telling Simon a story. There was a man who had lent money to many people. Two of his debtors were not able to repay him. One owed him five dollars, and the other owed five thousand. The man generously canceled both debts.

"Which of the debtors will love Him more?" Jesus asked Simon.

It was not a hard question, and Simon did not need to think long to reply. "It must have been the one with the biggest debt canceled."

"Right!" Jesus replied. "This woman has been forgiven for many sins and loves Me a lot. Someone who has been forgiven for fewer sins does not love as much in return."

Then Jesus turned to Mary and spoke to her so tenderly that it made the whole embarrassment seem worthwhile. "Your sins have been forgiven. Your faith has saved you. Go in peace."

Forgiveness is a wonderful thing. Injuries suffered are set aside and forgotten. Friendships are renewed and strengthened. Jesus came to mend the broken relationship between God and man.

When a paralyzed man was brought to Him, Jesus assured him that his sins were forgiven. Since only God can forgive sins, some people questioned how Jesus had the authority to say such a thing.

Jesus asked them which was easier to say, "Your sins are forgiven," or "Get up and walk." It is easy to make bold and daring claims. To actually do it is not so easy. Jesus then told the paralyzed man to get up and walk. Right before their eyes, the amazed people saw the man rise from his mat and walk away in perfect health. Jesus' words were not empty claims. He had the power to heal people and the authority to forgive their sins.

Our past or reputation does not make any difference in this matter. When we accept Jesus, He freely offers us complete forgiveness. This is the kind of love Jesus has for all people. Even when the soldiers were driving the nails into His hands and feet, Jesus prayed that they would be forgiven for their part in killing Him. "They do not know what they are doing."

Jesus' forgiveness is freely offered to all that confess their need of it. Nevertheless, some will not receive it. To receive forgiveness, it is necessary to accept it. It is something like getting a thousand-dollar check as a gift. To be received, the check must be accepted, then taken to the bank and cashed.

What does it mean to accept forgiveness from Jesus? God says that if His people will humble themselves, pray, and turn from their wicked ways, He will hear and forgive them. In order for us to receive forgiveness, we must want it. To want to be forgiven without changing our sinful habits is like accepting the gift check and framing it to look at instead of cashing it. The real benefit of the gift is simply never received that way.

Forgiveness calls for us to respond. As we are forgiven freely by Jesus, so we are to forgive all that have wronged us. Jesus taught that we should pray to be forgiven for our sins in the same measure as we forgive those who have wronged us.

When we realize how much Jesus has forgiven us, the wrongs we need to forgive other people for seem much less significant. As we look at Jesus and understand more completely just what He has done for us, we will love Him more for it. When we really understand how much we have been forgiven, we will love Jesus supremely and our words and actions will show His love to those around us.

Thank you, Jesus, for forgiving my sins. Thank you for giving me a chance to change. I want to accept Your forgiveness and to forgive others freely also.

Review Questions

  1. What did Jesus say results in great love?
  2. Who is able to forgive sins?
  3. What must we do to receive forgiveness?
  4. How did Mary show her love for Jesus?
  5. How should we respond to Jesus' forgiveness?
  6. Do you want Jesus to forgive you and help you to forgive others?