Meet Jesus Today

The Purifier

Jesus Can Make Your Character Pure.

Story based on Mark 1:40-45.

That day had been like a nightmare. The day he had discovered the leprosy spots marked a big change in his life. Leprosy was a serious and contagious disease. It was so serious that when any trace of it was found, the victim had to be isolated from the rest of society. No longer was he allowed to associate with friends and family. His only companions were others who had the same awful disease. If he ever happened to be near to other people, he had to loudly shout "Unclean, unclean!"

As time passed since that awful day, he had seen the disease grow worse and worse. It spread throughout his body. As parts of his body began to rot and fall off, he became a horrible sight. It had become so bad by this time that he was described as full of leprosy. Now it would be only a short while until the disease would finally end his life.

Then one day word reached him that Jesus of Nazareth was nearby. Jesus was the One John the Baptist had identified as the Lamb of God. It was his last feeble hope of ever being well again. He decided to go and see Jesus.

As he came near to the town, he could see Jesus in the distance. Forgetting how he must warn others of his defilement, he hurried to Jesus as fast as he could go.

Suddenly a cry of alarm was raised. "Look! A leper!" Someone had noticed his sorry condition, and now people were frantically scrambling to get away from him. Nobody wanted to risk getting leprosy.

The poor man was not paying attention to the frightened people around him. The only thing he had on his mind was to get to Jesus. Jesus saw him coming and did not try to get away. The leper threw himself at Jesus feet, and begged Him for help.

"If You are willing," he told Jesus, "I know You can make me clean." All the reasons he had thought of to persuade Jesus to help him seemed of no use to mention. He had to rely on the love and compassion of Jesus. Jesus could see his desperate and helpless condition. He had the power to cure him if He chose to do so.

Jesus did not leave the man waiting for long. "I am willing. Be clean." As Jesus spoke the words, the healed leper felt new life surge through his body. He actually felt healthy again. After being sick for so long, he had nearly forgotten what it was like. He stared at his hands and feet. Not even a trace of the horrible disease remained. Jesus had been willing and had made him completely well.

Words of thanks and praise to Jesus suddenly seemed inadequate as he joyfully poured out his thanks. Then he heard Jesus speaking again.

"Do not tell anyone. Go and let the priests examine you. Let them declare you cured. Then offer the offering of thanks to God for your healing."

Following Jesus' instructions, the man hurried away to see the priests. After they had declared him healed, he began to tell everyone he met what had happened and how Jesus had healed him.

Imagine how the healed leper felt. Suddenly he had hope for the future instead of a dismal wait for death. Priests and physicians had been afraid to contaminate themselves by touching him. Jesus had touched him and brought him new life.

Sin is very much like leprosy. It destroys people and brings death. It makes people unfit to live in society. The leper had no hope of healing other than Jesus. Jesus did not turn him away but healed him. Neither will He turn away any sinner who comes to Him. Jesus came to save just that kind of person--one who needs Him.

People who come to Him, Jesus has promised never to cast out. The ones who realize they need Him will receive the help they ask for. Jesus said that only sick people need a doctor. Only people who have sinned need a Savior. That, however, does not exclude any of us. Every person on earth has sinned. We all need the Savior.

Experience teaches that a good reputation is of great value. We try to make ourselves look as good as possible to other people. Yet, we need to admit our guilt and our need of Jesus to receive His cleansing. What Jesus told Peter once is true for us also. "If I do not wash you, you have no part with Me." It is only when we are cleansed by Jesus that we become ready to live in the society of Heaven.

When the leper came and asked for cleansing, Jesus did not hesitate. When we confess our sins, Jesus has promised to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. How could He have made it simpler? Just recognize your need, and ask, and He will be there to help. Complete responsibility for our cleansing is something that Jesus takes upon Himself.

Because Jesus takes the responsibility does not mean that we have nothing to do. It just means that the work of our cleansing is something that only Jesus can do. He has given us the freedom to choose. He honors this freedom. We must decide to cooperate with Him to have His wonderful work done in our lives. We may cooperate by taking heed to what He has told us in His Word. Choosing to obey and showing the choice by our actions is our part. That is all we have to do, but it is so important that the Bible says this is how we cleanse ourselves.

Jesus was ready and eager to give health to the leper. He is just as willing to cleanse us from sin if we will but ask Him. David gave a good example of what our prayer should be when he wrote the following words. "Create in me a clean heart, O God." Let us ask for and accept a clean heart from Jesus, too.

Thank you, Jesus, for offering me not only forgiveness for my wrong actions, but also cleansing from sin in my life. Thank you for taking responsibility for my cleansing. I want to cooperate with You and be clean.

Review Questions

  1. What terrible disease did Jesus cure?
  2. How is leprosy like sin?
  3. How many people need a Savior from sin?
  4. Is it possible to be a Christian without Jesus' cleansing?
  5. What must we do to allow Jesus to cleanse us?
  6. Do you want Jesus to cleanse you from YOUR sins?