Meet Jesus Today

The Savior

Jesus is the Only Hope for Humanity.

Story based on John 8:1-12.

She had felt embarrassment and fear before, but never anything like this. As she sat there, staring at the dusty temple floor, she wished that somehow she could disappear into the dust and escape. It seemed that a thousand eyes stared at her. Curious eyes. Condemning eyes. Hate-filled eyes. Ridiculing eyes.

Everything had seemed fine just a few minutes before. Only herself and those equally guilty knew her shameful activities. Now she was all alone and facing a crowd of condemning people. She had just been dragged from the secluded place where she had been involved in adultery straight into the presence of Jesus. As usual, Jesus was surrounded by a large crowd of people. Now she could hear the Pharisees telling Jesus about her sins.

"This woman was caught in the very act of adultery. According to Moses' law, she should be stoned to death. What do you think?" This was a tricky question. If He agreed that she should be stoned, they would tell the Romans that Jesus was trying to start a rebellion. If Jesus suggested anything else, they would tell people that He did not respect the law of Moses. That would mean He was a false prophet, and nobody would want to listen to Him. What could Jesus say? Would He risk arrest and punishment by the Roman government, or would He turn against the law of Moses and lose the confidence of many of His hearers?

She remembered what Jesus had said before. "Do not think that I came to destroy the law." As she realized that Jesus would not set aside the law of Moses, her hope disappeared. In despair, she began waiting for the rocks to begin hitting her.

Jesus was not hasty to answer the crafty rulers. Instead, He stooped down and began to write something in the dust. With impatience, His questioners continued to press Him for a reply. At last, Jesus stopped writing and looked up at them. "The one who throws the first stone at her must be without sin." Then He continued to write.

One by one, the Pharisees came closer to see what Jesus was writing. As they read the words in the dust, they knew that they were facing Someone who knew all about their wrong deeds. One by one, they began to slip away. Not one of the accusers could stand before Jesus claiming the right to throw the first stone. Jesus had never publicly accused them of their sins, as they had done to the woman. Instead, by what He wrote in the dust, each could tell that his life was an open book before Jesus.

As the last of her accusers hurried away in shame, the woman was left alone at the feet of Jesus. Jesus spoke to her gently. "What happened to your accusers? Hasn't anyone stayed to condemn you?"

Surprised, the woman looked around. Not one of her accusers was left. "No, Lord," she replied. "Nobody."

"I'm not condemning you either," Jesus assured her. "You are free to go now. Do not continue to sin."

As the woman stood up and walked away, it must have seemed almost like a dream. Moments before, she had been facing certain death. She had been without help, without hope, and without God. Now she was free. Jesus had saved her from death. He had also forgiven her sins and given her the chance to begin again.

When we hear the word "Savior," Jesus comes to mind. By dictionary definition, the word may be understood to refer to Jesus when it is capitalized. Too often we think of 'Savior' just as a name, rather than considering what it means to us.

To the accused woman, the name 'Savior' was full of meaning. She well knew what would have happened if Jesus had not rescued her. When Jesus was criticized for associating with people who had bad reputations, He declared that He came to save just that kind of people. This kind of people knew they needed a Savior.

When His birth was announced to Joseph and Mary, they were told to name Him Jesus. 'Savior' is what the name means. Jesus' whole purpose in life was to save people. Jesus did more than just live a life as a perfect example for us. He offers more than merely forgiveness for every sin we have committed. Jesus came to save us from our sins. He came to take the guilt, condemnation, and habits of sin from the lives of all who would accept Him.

Sin brings unhappiness and suffering. If Jesus would just forgive our sins without helping us change the bad habits in our lives, it would be like putting a small bandage on a serious injury. The real problem might be concealed for a time. It would not be long, however, before it would again become obvious, as ugly and painful as ever.

Jesus did not come to offer an endless life of sin and suffering. He came that we could have life more abundantly. Jesus wishes for us to enjoy the best life possible. He offers all the help we need. With His help, our lives can be changed and we can enjoy life to the fullest.

A change of life is what we need. People use this to help them sell things. If you buy and use what they offer you, it will make your life better in certain ways. John summed up the whole human quest for happiness like this. Life eternal is found in knowing Jesus. It is only by accepting and following Jesus that we can find real happiness. With Jesus, life is complete and happy. Without Him, we will always find that something is missing.

Some will tell us that there are many ways to God and that any one of them is all right and will help us. Jesus did not teach that this is the situation at all. He declared that the only way for people to come to God is by Him. Jesus is not just one of many ways to find peace with God. He is the only hope of salvation for humanity. To reject Jesus is to lose the only hope we have for the future. To accept Him will give us salvation and peace with God that will help us to be really happy.

Thank you, Jesus, for coming to this world to be my Savior. Thank you for offering complete salvation to me. Please deliver me from every sin in my life so that I can be at peace with God.

Review Questions

  1. What does the name 'Jesus' mean?
  2. What kind of people did Jesus come to save?
  3. What kind of life does Jesus want us to have?
  4. What is the key to happiness and eternal life?
  5. How can people come to God?
  6. Do you accept Jesus as YOUR Savior from sin?