Meet Jesus Today

The Teacher

Jesus Taught How People Ought to Live.

Story based on Luke 10:25-37.

One day while Jesus was teaching, a young lawyer who was in the listening crowd stood up. He had a most important question to ask. "What shall I do to inherit eternal life?"

Jesus directed him first to the Scriptures. "What is written in the law? What does it tell you to do?"

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, strength, and mind. Love your neighbor as yourself." Using the words of Moses, the young man summarized the ten commandments. The essence of God's law is love to God and love to man.

"That is right" Jesus agreed. "Do just as you have said and you will live."

"Who is my neighbor?" The lawyer wanted to know more. His question was not whether one should love God and his neighbors. There were many kinds of people around. How many of them should be considered neighbors?

To answer the question, Jesus told a story showing the meaning of being a neighbor. He chose something that had happened nearby. Perhaps those involved in the story were in the crowd as He told it.

A man was traveling along the road from Jerusalem to Jericho. Before he reached Jericho, he was attacked by robbers. They beat him, stole everything he had, and left him to die by the side of the road.

Not long afterward, a priest passed by. He noticed the unfortunate man. Perhaps he assumed the man was already dead. Maybe he was too busy, or afraid of being robbed himself. Whatever the reason was, he kept walking and left the poor man lying there.

Awhile later, a Levite came by and noticed what had happened. Coming closer, he surveyed the situation. The man was seriously injured. He was still alive, but maybe it was too late to save his life. If he stopped long enough to help, he could be in serious danger himself. Somebody else would be along shortly. The Levite also continued on his way.

The injured man had nearly given up all hope when he again heard footsteps. This new spark of hope quickly died as he realized that the man was a Samaritan. Nobody could be worse than a Samaritan. If he had found a Samaritan in some trouble, he would not have considered helping. Certainly he could expect no mercy from such a person. In despair, he realized it would soon be dark. He would not likely survive until the morning.

Then came the touch of a kind hand. With grateful amazement, he felt the Samaritan bandage his wounds and help him onto a donkey. Gently, the Samaritan guided the donkey with its injured rider along the rough road. Arriving at an inn, the Samaritan paid for a room and cared for him through the night.

In the morning the Samaritan left. He was a busy man and had important matters to attend to. He gave the innkeeper money and asked him to care for the injured man. The kind Samaritan promised that on his return, he would repay the innkeeper for any further expenses involved.

It was a touching story, and as He finished telling it, Jesus asked a question to be sure people understood the lesson. "Who was the neighbor to the man who was robbed?"

"The one who showed mercy," the young lawyer replied. He still did not want to say anything good about a Samaritan.

The lesson in Jesus' story was clear. Neighborly love should be shown to any person who needs help. "Go," Jesus said, "and do as he did."

The parable of the Good Samaritan was a good example of what love does. Love for other people was often the theme of Jesus' teaching. If we summarize God's law and Jesus' teachings in one word, we could find no better word than love. Jesus' daily activities were also a demonstration of how to live love. When He told His disciples to love one another, Jesus could give Himself as the pattern they should follow. To imitate Jesus in our words and actions is to show love for other people.

Jesus taught obedience to the commandments. He wants a response from us to the love He has given us so freely. Because we love Jesus, we will obey Him. Jesus tells us that we show our love for Him by keeping His commandments.

What does Jesus mean when He speaks of His commandments? He told the lawyer who questioned Him that the scriptures would tell him what he ought to do. Many were already studying the scriptures. The problem was not in searching the scriptures to find eternal life. It was in people doing just that, yet turning away from the One identified there as the Savior.

Once a young man asked what he needed to do to live forever. First Jesus told him to keep the commandments. Then to be sure the young man understood which commandments He was speaking of, Jesus began quoting some of them. The listeners could recognize them right away as belonging to the Ten Commandments God had spoken from Mount Sinai. Jesus declared the validity of the Ten Commandments, and those who accept Him will choose to obey them.

Another important principle Jesus taught was trust in God. He pointed to the birds, flowers, and grass. God provides for all their needs. We are children of God and have the privilege of trusting Him to provide everything we need. Real trust in God will remove much unneeded pain, stress and worry from our lives.

We have much to gain if we will follow Jesus' teachings. Love to others is a principle of value and benefit to all around us. Also, it makes our own lives happier. Trust in God removes the worry that so often makes our lives sour. His commandments give us principles to live by and practical guidelines for living a happy life.

Jesus taught many important things about how people might live and enjoy life to the fullest. None of it does us any good unless we make it a part of our lives. Let us apply what Jesus taught to our everyday lives.

Thank You, Jesus, for teaching us how we can live life to the fullest. Thank You for showing us how. I want to accept You and follow Your teachings.

Review Questions

  1. What did Jesus teach that people should do for eternal life?
  2. What principle is at the heart of God's Law?
  3. Jesus said, "You search the Scriptures." What was the problem?
  4. What lesson should we learn from birds and flowers?
  5. How can we benefit from what Jesus taught?
  6. Do you choose to follow what Jesus taught?